Sunsets in the Kalahari - Khutse part 2

This day was just stunning and relaxing. It always takes me a few days to get into the safari tranquility, but somehow in Kalahari, it kicked in already on the second day, maybe it’s because we had so much time and we decided our schedule ourselves. Keeping track of time was never on the agenda, we took the day as it came.

Today is a BIG day because I finally I spotted my first Bat-eared foxes! This report is mostly going to be a photo diary of the sightings from the day :)

Out there in the tall grass are the creatures I most looked forward to on the journey - Bat-eared foxes! They had chosen a well-camouflaged place so I'm glad we got to see them more times on the trip.

Finally, we saw the lion male we heard at night and who wanted to join us in last night's shower. The lions here in the Kalahari are so incredibly beautiful and muscular and their black mane really gives them a powerful expression.

It was really a big difference from the lions in South Luangwa which are much smaller and many of the lion males we saw there had more of a mohawk than a mane.

The evening light over the plains was so beautiful this evening, everything was painted in pastel colors. The weather here in the Kalahari is so dramatic and swings so fast from scorching heat to rain to end in an explosion of colors. I love Botswana!

Good night from our little tent, tomorrow we leave for the next stop - Xaxa!

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